Introducing the EP, the single “Young” unwraps a wistfully nostalgic love story over delicately plucked guitar and finger-snaps with a visual of “church parking lot—getting lost in your eyes.It builds towards a bold and breezy hook, “Like we’re always gonna be young…” “I’m in this crazy time right now where I don’t know what’s coming next,” he says. “I tried to make a song that felt like a roll-your-windows-down summer anthem. I don’t want to grow up. So, Young is about being with someone you love and just enjoying life. That’s what the song means to me.”

On “Kentucky Blues,” fiddle and slide guitar give way to a galloping beat and another soaring refrain dedicated to where he comes from. “I’m always going to be Kentucky, and I’m always going to love my home,” he says. “I’m declaring, ‘This is where I’m from. This is who I am’.”

Then, there’s “Sky Without Stars.” He turns his gaze to the night sky with emotionally charged delivery and vivid lyrics. “We all go through breakups,” he continues. “This one is about missing someone you love.” In the end, Jonathan’s songs will not only bring you closer to him, but they also might bring you closer to yourself.

“I’m trying to speak truth in my music,” he leaves off. “Whether these are stories of me growing up, what I’ve been through, or my relationship with God, I put everything into the songs. I hope people see my heart and connect.”